Park Lane & Mayfair

This is one of the most challenging questions to answer. What do women want and look for in a man? A lot has been said about this topic all over. While it’s accurate that no two women are alike, all women crave more or less the same qualities in men. Any woman wants to feel loved and appreciated. Either after a long, hard day of work or simply because they believe they deserve that special treatment. So what is it that the Venus dwellers seek in a man? For those of you who are still baffled by the wants of the fairer sex, we have put together a few key points to help you out:

Ladies Preferences

1. Our escorts in London want a man to be confident. What do women want? Confidence is the number one quality women look for in the opposite sex.

2. Ladies go nuts over a man who will go the extra mile. For example, he opens the door for her, walks on the right side of the street, and helps her shop. I’m talking about being a gentleman!

3. A woman will almost always love a man who can make her laugh. If you are dull, you are boring. If you make a woman laugh, you’re halfway home. Several seduction experts claim that being “cocky” and “funny” are the two most essential qualities to attracting a woman. Our London escorts agree.

4. Women like intelligent men, unlike men who are primarily sexually stimulated by what they see. Females are primarily sexually encouraged by what they hear. As a result, they fall for men with magnificent voices, accents and intelligent ideas. It doesn’t matter if you have a college degree or not. Ladies like men to be able to debate topics and be well-spoken. There’s something very sexy about a brilliant man.

5. All women appreciate a creative man. But sometimes, it is extra special to do something that most guys wouldn’t do for a woman. It could be something frivolous, but if it is something that you think she would like, then why not do it? You might have just made her day.


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