You may be quite happily married but longing to know what it feels like to have an affair. It’s not unusual, you know. There are so many men out there who have been doggedly faithful all their lives.
We all love a bit of excitement and danger in our lives, but we don’t necessarily want to get too involved. Herein lies the problem with “experiencing an affair” with another woman and why it’s a safer bet to date a Park Lane and Mayfair escort.
Do you remember “Fatal Attraction”? Well, if you don’t, the short version is that a guy tried to have an affair, and the woman he had an experience with went crazy because she didn’t want to share him. Now, we’re not saying this will happen to you if you choose to have an affair, but what we are saying is that it would never happen with one of our escorts! Professional escorts don’t fall in love and get all crazy about their clients because they always have another to move on to!
It’s more than likely more to do with the actual rendezvous with the woman than what you get up to that you’re most intrigued about. This is the excitement that gets your heart beating. You wonder if you’ll be seen, delete your phone messages, etc. This can all be achieved with our ladies without the risk! All of the top-class escorts we represent live in very discreet locations around London, and they are never likely to meet you again, much less acknowledge you if they do.
Experience the affair you’ve been fantasising about and live a little!