Park Lane & Mayfair

Facts about our bodies are always an exciting read. However, one fact that might send a shiver of fear throughout the entire male population is that when a man does not use his ‘manhood’ correctly, it can shrink by up to 2 cm.

This means ‘if you don’t use it, you lose it’. That is where having a workout with a beautiful Park Lane and Mayfair companion is such a good idea! The act of copulation keeps the ligaments and spongy tissue soft and elastic and retains the size God gave you.

If you do not experience regular erections and proper use, these ligaments will become shortened and shrink in size by nearly a whole inch! No one will want to risk losing this amount!

God, in his infinite wisdom, realised that humans might want to cheat with his master plan and play solo. However, this also can reduce size as excessive friction can cause scarring and lead to tissue tightening and shortening. Only having regular fun with a woman can maintain the proper balance.

Our gorgeous escorts in London can take the medical theme a step further and be your nurse for your date. They can ensure that everything is working correctly and help to maintain everything God gave you.

Fantasy fun and role play is always a popular request for many of our clients, and with this news, we expect our London escorts to be very busy with requests for nurse’s outfits and regular manhood workouts!

As always, we are fantastic, fun companions and very open-minded. They may look like they have stepped from the cover of a glossy magazine, but they couldn’t be any friendlier and sweet. You can make a date with any of our luscious ladies in all areas of London. So, if you are going away for a while, then it might be sensible to keep everything well-oiled to ensure that you don’t return home with less than you left with!

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