Park Lane & Mayfair

We love the summer, but there is also something extraordinary about winter… As you can imagine, our 24-hour escorts don’t have a peak time as such, and it’s business as usual for London escorts at any time of year, but here is why we love winter:

Our ladies are fashion fiends, and they adore picking out clothing which complements their figures and shows off their fantastic uniqueness. The elegance of winter clothing is somewhat more favourable, we believe, so our ladies always try to update their wardrobe at this time of year.

So, what will our ladies be buying and wearing this winter? There are fantasising trouser suits around now – We know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking to yourself, “Do London escorts wear trouser suits? Surely not – surely they always wear dresses or lingerie..?”

Our companions have varied and exciting dates – sometimes those dates are in a business environment, and she needs to look in a good trouser suit, impeccably made, which is a must. It so happens that our girls always add heels to a trouser suit, and they often leave off the shirt. It can be a pleasant surprise for a client to realise they are not wearing anything underneath.

So what else for our lady’s winter wardrobe? Lots of our ladies love cashmere, and there are some adorable cashmere sweaters for sale now. The feel of it next to your skin is unbeatable. It makes our elite ladies look sweet – sweet and innocent. If they add in a saucy smile, you’ll know that they are bad girls at heart.

Last but not least, new shoes will feature in our lady’s 2015 winter wardrobe. We are sure they will be buying some platform wedges and will be picking up some elegant courts to go with that trouser suit we mentioned.

Now all our ladies need it to ensure they earn plenty of money so they can buy all these lovely items!

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