Park Lane & Mayfair

Was your weekend mundane, the same as usual, or did you do something exciting like our Park Lane and Mayfair ladies? Many of our ladies tell us what an exciting weekend they had, and this is just one weekend out of many that we have heard about and just had to say to you…

Louise’s sexy weekend.

Friday evening was spent with friends doing a catch-up. We went to Galvin at Windows champagne bar in Mayfair. We glammed ourselves up and sat at the bar, legs crossed, showing the hint of hold-ups below a hemline and sipped cocktails until 1 am. Occasionally, we accepted the odd drink from an admirer, but for the most part, we were too busy laughing to notice the genuine hopefuls on the sidelines. One of my social circles was another Park Lane, and Mayfair lady called Louise. None of the other girls knows our profession, so we kept work chat to an absolute minimum, but she slept over at my Mayfair flat that night – ready for Saturday.

Rising at 10 am on a Saturdayurely breakfast over the newspapers and a long soak in the bathtub can only prepare a girl for a long day (and night) ahead. Louise and I had been booked for a ménage a trois with Ben at 2 pm in Belgravia; Ben has a penchant for Blondes. He likes curves and busty women he can grab hold of. I provide the busty element of our duo. Louise is not flat-chested but could only just about fit her head in my F-cup bra. I fill corsets with my creamy-white flesh like Dita Von Teese – all 1940’s glamour and poise.

We both knew Ben very well and wanted to see him with matching underwear – Louise wore red and black, mine black and red – we knew he would appreciate the mirrored element. Louise and I arrived separately (fifteen minutes apart) and sat in his lounge sipping a fine wine until I gave her the nod to start his little treat. She took his glass out of his hand, stood up and held out hers. I followed suit, and his eyes lit up like Christmas morning. We pampered Ben’s every need and left him in a relaxed oblivion by eleven pm.

Although most of my work is solo, I am happy to share my time with other London escorts. It gives the client his ultimate fantasy; there is no jealousy, and there’s always someone to ride home with when the date ends. If you have ever fantasised about the attention of two women at the same time, give your favourite escort agency a call and see what we can suggest.

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