Park Lane & Mayfair

Since the swinging 60s, the great city of London has been a magnet for the rich and famous. It’s been one of the top cities in the world for those people looking for a place to splash their cash. Here, you’ll find Russian oligarchs, Middle Eastern sheikhs, some of the most influential people in the world, and A list of celebrities, billionaires and multi-millionaires who all come to the capital to spend their money on partying, having fun, and of course, to invest in the London property market.

For decades, London has played host to wealthy visitors from places like The Middle East and Russia. With many places to visit and things to do, the capital draws these super-rich playboys to its upmarket attractions like a moth to a flame. So, if you’re looking to impress one of our delightful, expensive escorts in London, let’s look at some of the things you could do.

You’re in London, you’ve booked one of our gorgeous London escorts, and you’re looking to treat her to an evening or day in London that she’ll never forget. Just imagine for one moment that money was no object and look at some of the delights London has in store for those with a bottomless wallet.

A visit to a top London restaurant or club must be at the top of anyone’s list. While London is world famous for its nightlife and offers a mind-boggling array of restaurants and bars to suit even the most diverse of tastes, several establishments hold a particular appeal for those on the rich and famous list. Perhaps one of the most well-known is the Ivy, located at the heart of London’s renowned theatre land. Granted, you need a hefty bank balance to dine at this eatery. Still, you’ll be rewarded with delicious British dishes served up in incredibly stylish surroundings, with a smattering of stars such as Victoria and David Beckham to keep you company.

Another popular restaurant with A-list celebrities is Momo, a North African restaurant serving its unique food brand in a relaxed and cosmopolitan atmosphere. Located between Regent Street and Savile Row, it’s the perfect place for refreshment if you’re doing some luxury shopping. If you’re looking for somewhere exciting to take one of our party girls for the evening, visiting one of London’s clubs or casinos is a must. Well known for its sparkling nightlife, London offers a great selection of upmarket casinos and clubs, which London’s super-rich playboys frequent. While some of these establishments, such as the prestigious casino, 50 St. James, may only be accessed by invitation, there are many other casinos where you can immerse yourself in the stimulating world of blackjack, roulette, poker and baccarat.

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